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Developed by Hardik Shah


A customizable bot. It's hsbot. Pass your custom template and you are ready to use your own bot.

Quick demo using terminal

Integrate into your project


  • Pass custom template. Template should be in format as defined.
  • You can integrate with your system easily.
  • Analyze user chat history.


$ npm install hsbot -g 
$ npm i install hsbot


Test from terminal, if you have install globally.
$ hsbot

Now you are ready to use hsbot.
Did you get 'What is your name?' question from hsbot?

Points to keep in mind

  • userId: UserId is mandatory.
  • userName: (optional) If pass it will not ask you about your name. If not, hsbot will ask you about your name first.
  • topicList and topics: These two files you need to pass to the constructor of hsbot. You can find template under hsbot -> db -> data
  • Template: topicList.json and topics.json


var topicList = require('../db/data/topicList.json'); // Your file path as per defined template.
var topics = require('../db/data/topics.json'); // Your file path as per defined template.
const HSBot = require('hsbot');
const hsBot = new HSBot(topicList, topics);
var userId = "aQ11zyTr4u7I";
var userName;

// userId (Mandatory)
// userName (User Name)
// human_text (Your answer/query, the question asked by HSBot)

hsBot.transformAndReply(userId, userName, human_text, function(err, data){
  console.log("HSBot:", data);

Thanks you!

Please feel free to ask any question, suggestion for new feature it's highly appreciated.